This post is written by Rachel Sather and Lali Garcia.
The verse today is "Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." -Matthew 6:9-13
Today's quote is by Stanley Hauerwas: "Prayer in Jesus' name is lifelong training in taking God's will a little more seriously and our own will a little less so."
We started off the morning by preparing for workshop day 1 at the church, which included setting up tables, chairs, notebooks, and name tags. We then greeted the AMAZING students of the Excel Beyond program and split up into five groups. Next, we dove into the presentations, starting with DISC training presented by Andee and Jeff. This training helped students learn not only about themselves, but also their strengths within their personality. Following this, Ari and Jack led the next training called "Selling Yourself." where students learned how to build a resume and interviewing skills. We even interviewed each student one on one for practice! Our next session was business presentations where Lali and Philip explained how to properly communicate with their audience.
Before our lunch break, we wanted to show the students our Baylor pride. All ten of us went to the stage and taught a sic 'em! So Zambia now knows how to sic 'em bears! wooohoooo!!! SIC 'EM BEARS! Lali was especially hype in leading the group!
Next was lunch!!! We tried our first meal of traditional Zambian food including nshima, which is their staple food of the country. It was amazing!! The students especially loved teaching us how to eat it with our hands, so we dug in, literally.
We finished up the workshop with one more presentation called "Selling and Relationships." Ashleigh and Sophie taught how to make a sale and how to incorporate relationships into the process. The students were then able to role play different scenarios that included obstacles faced when closing a sale. After this, we said goodbye to the students, but we're excited for another workshop day with them tomorrow!
After a long day of hard work, we blew off the steam with friendly games of volleyball, fútbol (soccer), and basketball with children in the village.
We ended the day with a wonderful dinner, devotional, and plan for tomorrow's workshop. We are so blessed to be here! Thank you for all your prayers and support! See you tomorrow!